In July of 2014, a few months after I was married, I moved out of my home in Charleston, SC to the other side of the US from my family into an RV on a military base with my new husband, Duncan.
My Dad came from a long generation of farmers. Although both of my grandfathers had served in the military, at the time, I had no idea what I was signing myself up for and had little to no experience with the USAF. However, like any good farm kid, what you don't know much about, you get out there in the world and get your hands dirty.
Serious farming ops with Wyatt
We arrived to Edwards AFB in the middle of the July, just in time to really experience the desert heat. We waited 8 months for our base house and through a series of nervous breakdowns, and 3 seasons, which are hot, hotter, and hot with excessive wind, we survived our first year of marriage and became stronger people. I write to you to keep of record of how I felt at this time in our lives, to help you share in my insanity and to pacify my dramatic spirit for my husband's sanity.
These are my lessons learned. On May 16, 2014, I became not only a wife, but also a military spouse. I'm fortunate that my oldest sister is also a military spouse, so I could share my first impressions of military life with someone other than my life partner and trailer mate. Although my husband, Duncan is always extremely supportive, growing up in a house of boys, sometimes there's a disconnect when I bust out contemporary dance moves in our kitchen, belt out gospel hymns, or choose Disney movies over horror films because I only want to watch happy endings still at 29 years old. It was also good my husband didn't hear many of real thoughts about how personal it was Rob Lowe lied to me in his commercial about what California was like or how much I irrationally feared being attacked by a coyote. Look they roam around Burger King parking lot like they own the place.
Michelle on her "good side" even then.
Michelle, myself, and Heather Ann, aka the Sisters Westerfield
The Reed Family, circa 1990
The Brothers Reed, 2014, Elliott, Duncan, and Baxter
The Air Force is just a different world. I felt like Alice walking through the Looking Glass as soon as we pulled past the gate guards with their guns and their proper salutes. In some ways when we drove onto Edwards, we were driving back in time. Its row after row of little, matching, khaki homes with American flags and the neighborhood parks filled with families that could be the backdrop for a Hallmark card. The military men and women all wear uniforms and our day is oriented by reveille and retreat. It is very safe because you do not break the rules. Words on that from Duncan.
"Brit, do not park in any parking spots that have anything written on them." -Duncan
"What if they meant reserved for fun people Duncan or OG/CC might stand for Only Girls who Can't Carry things far?" -Britney
"They Don't." - Duncan
"Also, no speeding or talking on your cell phone on base." - Duncan
This was an outrage! What? I can't talk on my phone, park in the 4,000 open spaces at the front of the store, or interpret the law as I see fit and had been taught to do in those three expensive years of professional school. This place was going to be a real blast, not.
Then Duncan had to go to work and I was by myself. It if funny how the military is always calling you a dependent and you can't go anywhere without your spouse's social security number and your whole family's shot records. In reality, you have to be the most independent dependent out there because the Air Force controls your spouse's career and as a result, your whole life, so you just learn to deal with the uncontrollable and unexpected. At first, I was scared to go to the grocery because they have rules about uniforms lines, baggers, and showing your spouse ID. I also was just scared to leave base because you can't get back on without your ID and I didn't know where to go anyways. You can't even schedule a doctor's appointment in a normal fashion because you have to call a hot line first and explain why you need an appointment.
"Ma'am, are you sure the trailer park ooze is a real thing?"
"Yes, the 4th toe on my right foot itches and I am questioning the veracity of gourmet as a descriptor of last night's bowling alley corndog."
Law school graduation, NKU 2012
I did not get this memo. I am a planner. I have all these big ideas in my head, like the fact I'd be rollin' in my black Mercedes, pimpin' in my Antonio Melani suits, and yelling at my own secretary as I worked my way towards partner in some posh law firm closer to age 30. Instead, life took me on a different Edwards Air Force Base, CA. My husband was accepted into the prestigious United States Air Force Test Pilot School. A dream he had been wishing for and strategically planning for since about 6 months old. I was unemployed for the first four months when we arrived, so after finishing law school in 2012 and working in the legal field in Charleston full time for the last two years, I didn't know what to do with my time. Everyone kept telling me to find out what I really wanted to do with my life. Other more blunt family members, told me if I had time to write this fabulous blog, I should be looking for a job a little harder. I had been crying for years for time to discover who I really am and what I really want to do with my life (well, besides the obvious eat all day and not gain weight, be best friends with Jennifer Lawrence, and watch endless HGTV shows as inspiration to remodel my Victorian mansion with Anthony from Designing Women). Now, I had all the time in the world and all the freedom in the world, but it was hard to see it that way at times. When you have lost your purpose, it is a struggle to do try out anything and being creative is hard to do when you wear athletic pajamas all day without the athletics.
Fortunately, a kind stranger took a chance on this gal and hired me to teach art and cooking club at the local youth center. I worked there for 6 months and loved every minute. With my new found confidence through shaping the mind of young kids, I received a new full time job on base diving deeper into the miltary world as the Commander's Secretary. I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about Edwards History, aviation, and the world of flight test, but it has helped me be able to translate Duncan's world.
With Duncan flying T-38s, C-12s, and purposingly flying F-16's out of control someone has to tell his stories of the days of the newly promoted Major-Select "OBOGS" Reed in his days as a student at the United States Air Force Test Pilot School. So, this is where our new story begins.......the next chapter to Mrs. Mobile Mansion and the Recreational Life ......"Stars, Stripes, and Sass Forever."
Duncan's 1st Day of School, USAF Test Pilot School 2015